How to Effectively Manage a Remote Workforce

With more and more companies adopting remote access, the need for security and productivity is at an all-time high. The biggest obstacles for working remotely, without a doubt, are trust and efficiency. Are your employees actually being productive? In this article, we’ll discuss the how utilizing our remote workforce monitoring software can increase productivity, enhance security, and make you more money.

How do you make sure your remote employee is being productive?

What if we told you there was a way to monitor your employee’s remote work sessions without being intrusive? By this, we in no way mean to spy on them – but rather, see how they are working and what they spend the most amount of time on. If you are able to see these metrics, you will be able to truly understand how your organization can improve as a whole.

To successfully work remotely, there must first be policies in place to ensure accountability and to establish an agreement between employee and employer. When communicating these expectations, all parties understand what needs to be done to get the job done. Even while working remotely, this is a job. Things need to get done efficiently.

Our Software Increases Productivity

In a traditional office setting, a manager is able to see with their own eyes if an employee is struggling or not understanding something. With remote access, it’s that much harder to see how someone is doing. To ensure that projects are completed in an efficient manner, we personally utilize proprietary software that runs in the background to monitor all activity on a workstation. The beauty of this program is that you are able to see where your employees are spending their time and with which applications. By actively monitoring which programs are being used, you can see how your top employees are making the most out of their time, and reflect. You can then help any employee struggling with working remotely and get them up to speed on how things need to be done.

Enhance Your Security by Locking Down Websites

Another huge issue for remote access is being able to stay secure. In order to prevent data breaches and information loss, the use of a VPN is crucial. For example, say your employee went to a coffee shop to work remotely because that’s where they feel comfortable. That is a terribly scary thought because that internet connection is not secure in the slightest. With our software, you’re able to lock down and secure your database so a VPN must be used to access information. In doing this, you are preventing so many bad things from happening. With this software, you are also able to set permissions and restrictions on what websites can be visited. This ensures that your employees will never be able to access malicious websites, or fall victim to potential phishing attempts.

In conclusion, managing a remote workforce can be a nightmare without the right tools for the job. The best way to manage remote employees is to have a clear plan, monitor how workstations are being utilized, set strict security permissions on what sites can be accessed, and always use a VPN. For any further questions, feel free to give us a call at (541) 255-3900 or send an email to